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A few years back most people perceived satellites as exotic, top-
secret devices. They were used primarily in a military context, for
activities such as navigation and espionage. Now they are an
essential part of our daily lives, leading a mass production of
satellite products and accessories. We see and recognize their use in
an increasing number of applications, like weather reports, imagery,
GPS and maps, television transmission, Internet and telephone calls,
on shore and on seas, and many more daily uses. Moreover, in many
other instances satellites play a background role, changing our
lifestyles. Here are a few examples that show how satellite products
affect us.
* Some newspapers and magazines are more timely because they
transmit their text and images to multiple printing sites via satellite to
speed local distribution
* Before sending signals down the wire into our houses, cable
television depends on satellites to distribute its transmissions
* The most reliable taxi and limousine drivers are sometimes using
the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) to take us to the
proper destination
* The goods we buy often reach distributors and retailers more
efficiently and safely because trucking firms track the progress of
their vehicles with the same GPS. Sometimes firms will even tell their
drivers that they are driving too fast
* Emergency radio beacons from downed aircraft and distressed
ships may reach search-and-rescue teams when satellites relay the
signal (read this page for details)
* Live broadcasts are transmitted from disaster areas
Today, electronics advance at an incredible rate, to say the least.
Every year, gadgets get smarter, TVs get bigger, cell phones get
smaller, megapixels and RAM get more plentiful and satellite products
improve communications. The electronics industry unveils thousands
of new ideas and clever twists on old ideas. Why does it occur?
Simply put, because of the increasing demands generated by modern
life. In the United States alone, consumer electronics is more than
$113 billion industry.
Let's have a look at some of the most outstanding satellite products'
* Satellite Internet with an edge for small office/home office.
DiRECWAY Internet via satellite Home Edition provides premium
performance. This satellite Internet service is versatile enough to be
used in a store, small office, or home office and ideal for families and
teleworkers. With Satellite Internet systems there's no longer need
to keep your phone busy. With a DiRECWAY 2-Way satellite
connection, you won't tie up your primary phone line or need to
install an expensive second line for your Internet connection. Stay
connected as long as you like without worrying about missing
important phone calls. No more waiting for an old-fashioned Internet
dial-up connection.
The satellite products needed: a DiRECWAY satellite dish (typically a
0.74m dish) installed at your home or office so it faces the southern
sky. Coaxial lines connect your dish to a "satellite modem". This
modem is directly connected to your PC. No phone lines are needed
after initial set-up.
* Satellite phones
As developments in business, travel and technology have led to the
increased human exploration of 'remote and wild corners' on the
earth, the demand for a system of communication, beyond that of
cellular phones, has arisen. It is for this reason that satellite
technology has been developed. Over the last few years the use of
satellite phones has been on the increase, they are now cheaper
and more available than ever, however, this has not made it any
easier for the consumer because of the extensive choice of products
on offer. How do you know which is the right one for you? If you
decide that you need to use a satellite phone, you need to decide
which satellite network is best for you. You must assess what
functions are most valuable to you. Once you are clear in your head
what you expect from satellite communication then you are able to
make your decision from a more informed and confident position.
* Satellite radio
Satellite communication technology is an ideal medium for
simultaneously disseminating information to many users, linking
remote geographical locations, and providing connectivity to wide
coverage areas. Via radio transmission, impressive data rates can be
obtained using high capacity transponder channels. As the demand
from businesses for broadband data services increases, satellite
communication is well positioned to address this need. Can't get
cable, DSL, TV where you live? Look up. The answer is circling the
globe above you. Reliable high-speed Internet connections is
available across the entire globe! Emblazoned with names like
DirecTv®, ExpressVu®, Star Choice®, DirecWay®, iNetVu®,
Linkstar® iDirect®, and WildBlue® their numbers are growing at an
amazing rate. And if audio entertainment excites your senses, take
the time to discover why you will love listening to satellite radio
without commercials just about anywhere. It's simply awesome! In
fact, you may never want to listen to standard Am/Fm radio again!
* Satellite TV
The television is one of our best sources for entertainment today. In
fact, almost every home in the United States has a TV set that the
whole family regularly enjoys. In the past, TVs received images
through broadcast airwaves and through cable. Today, satellite TV is
widely available and millions of TV fans from all over the world are
now getting amazing satellite TV images their own TVs and are
experiencing more channels and more image clarity than ever before.
When satellite TV was first introduced, it consisted of a large satellite
dish that was often very hard to install and left a very unattractive
appearance in your home’s back yard or front lawn. However, recent
advancement in technology has made satellite dishes very compact
and much easier to install on rooftops. Also, satellite TVs today are
far less expensive than they were in the past. Because of this,
almost everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of satellite TV.
If you got used driving with a GPS in your car, then you probably
wonder how did you manage until now? How did drivers get along
before the GPS era? Just imagine the time and money drivers could
have spent over the years! Today's GPS devices are smarter. They
connect better to satellites, they are more accurate and they offer
many more options.
*Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoiP)
VoiP has overcome a shaky start to become one of the most popular
ways for Internet users to keep in touch with each other, whether
with friends, family or colleagues. If you are not familiar with VoIP,
think of it as and Internet version of the telephone. Instead of picking
up your telephone and dialing someone over the phone company's
wires, your voice is converted into digital packets and sent out over
the Internet. Often, your VoIP service is able to connect seamlessly
with telephones on traditional telephone networks (for a small fee),
or directly to other VoIP subscribers. There are many advantages to
using a VoIP connection over a standard land line. One of the key
benefits is the ability to take your phone number with you wherever
you go, so long as you have the ability to plug your VoIP hardware
into a broadband Internet port.
As you can see, the market is overloaded with advanced satellite
products. Our comprehensive website provides all the information you
need for choosing the right components for your needs.