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Despite crystal clear sound, crackle free delivery and nationwide
coverage, American radio listeners have not been quick to take up
many Satellite Radio offerings. But after years of indifference
consumers are now starting to take an interest in a new era of radio.
We all have our favorite radio stations that we preset into our car
radios, flipping between them as we drive to and from work, on
errands and around town. But when you travel too far away from the
source station, the signal breaks up and fades into static.
At its launch in 2001, satellite radio was targeted only towards
motorists. It was the first time long distance drivers in America were
able to enjoy the same uninterrupted radio station for days at a time.
Since journeys can be long and laborious, across varying landscapes,
the US was an ideal testing ground for the concept.
Now, imagine a radio station that can broadcast its signal from more
than 22,000 miles away and then come through on your car radio with
complete clarity. Car manufacturers have been installing satellite
radio receivers in some models for a few years now, and several
models of portable satellite radio receivers are available from a variety
of electronics companies.
Satellite radio is an idea over a decade in the making. In 1992, the U.S.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated a spectrum in
the "S" band (2.3 GHz) for nationwide broadcasting of satellite-based
Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS). Only four companies applied for
a license to broadcast over that band. The FCC gave licenses to two
of these companies in 1997. CD Radio (now Sirius Satellite Radio) and
American Mobile Radio (now XM Satellite Radio) paid more than $80
million each to use space in the S-band for digital satellite transmission.
At this time, there are three space-based radio broadcasters:
Sirius Satellite Radio
XM Satellite Radio
Browse our detailed Satellite Radio section and explore the various
services offered by the two leading companies - XM and Sirius.