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With satellite imagery becoming so popular and given the growing
access to satellite images, no wonder so many people are searching
for their own house. Watching your own house from space is not only
fascinating, it's really amazing. What just a few years ago was the
sole prerogative of spionage and military services, has become an
open source for people wolrdwide. Well, at least almost worldwide.
So how can one see his or her own home?
If you're looking for a high-resolution satellite image of your home,
Microsoft TerraServer may be where you want to start. It's not "live"
but it is free and the photos are sharp. The TerraServer interface
lets you select a location by geographical coordinates, place a name,
or by clicking a spot on a world map. Then you can zoom in or out.
Not all corners of the globe are documented, but your U.S. hometown
satellite image is probably there.
Microsoft implemented this archive to provide access to satellite
images created by the USGS and Spin-2. The images are presented
in DOQs - aerial photos in digital format. DOQs are used in a variety
of geographic information systems (GIS) as the base for illustrating
different kinds of data.
Spin-2 on the other hand, offers commercial satellite imagery from
declassified Russian images as part of a Russian-American
collaborative venture. If you need to purchase photographs or
download digital data from TerraServer, you'll find this a cost-effective
alternative to custom aerial photography for business or scientific
Actually, watching satellite images from space has never been easier.
If you like the view from space, be sure to browse the Earth Pictures
subcategory of Yahoo!'s Astronomy category, for other great
snapshots from up above it all. Also, you can use Google Maps.
Here are a few guidelines for using Google Earth:
Step 1: Go to Google Maps and enter an address. Click on the button
that says "Hybrid" on the upper right. You will get an image with a
speech ballon pointing to a thumbtack showing the location of the
address on the satellite photo.
Step 2: Click up and down the vertical ladder-like bar to see the
image at various scales until you feel you can find the place you are
looking for on a satellite image.
Well, it's probably a matter of time until people will be searching not
only for their own homes images from space, but also for their own
personal pictures taken from space.