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If you enjoy watching televangelists, then you need satellite TV. There
are several stations that broadcast a variety of religious based programs.
The World Harvest Television station offers inspirational programming not
necessarily focused on a specific religion. The Church Channel provides
religious services for people of Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths.
TBN and DSTR both offer predominantly Christian based religious
programming. The WORD Channel offers urban ministry and gospel
music programs.
When Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) was launched on August
15, 1981, many felt there would be little demand for a Catholic network.
Now, in its 27th year, EWTN has become the largest religious media
network in the world, transmitting programming 24 hours a day to
more than 148 million homes in 140 countries and territories on more
than 4,800 cable systems, wireless cable, Direct Broadcast Satellite
(DBS), low power TV and individual satellite users.
EWTN Global Catholic Network airs family and religious programming from
a Catholic point of view in English and Spanish. Providing more than 80%
original programming, EWTN offers inspiring talk shows, entertaining
children's animation, exclusive teaching series, live coverage of Church
events, and thought-provoking documentaries.
Beyond the broadcast vision, however, first and foremost, the spiritual
heart of the EWTN mission is to bring the Eternal Word of Jesus Christ
to all. The religious centers of the network are visited daily by pilgrims
who travel to Irondale to worship in the chapel or visit the breathtakingly
beautiful Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama.
Visitors of all faiths are invited to "come away by yourself to a quiet place,
and rest awhile" (Mark 6:31) and to pray before the Most Blessed
Sacrament, adored and loved perpetually by the cloistered nuns now
living at Our Lady of Angels Monastery in Hanceville or by the faithful
in Irondale.
As a catechetical network, teaching the faith as given by the Magisterium,
EWTN brings the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church to the world
through its live talk shows, special events, teaching series, documentaries
and dramas and devotions. Unlike many electronic churches on the
airwaves which tend to weaken or supplant an individual's connection
to their local church, EWTN seeks to supplement the pastoral efforts of
local Catholic churches while affirming the unity of the universal Catholic
Church: her beauty, her Sacraments, her Traditions, and the gifts of her