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Dish Network is the only company that provides satellite TV programs to
the Ukrainian population in the US. Ukrainian viewers who live, work or
visit the US can subscribe to Dish Network and get the Inter+ package.
The international television channel 'Inter+' started broadcasting on
January 13th, 2003. It represents an international license-cleared
version of Inter - the leading Ukrainian TV channel seasoned with the
best projects of other Ukrainian TV production companies.
One of the main objectives of this channel is to introduce Ukraine into
the global television market, improving the country's international image.
Inter also strives to present the world with the latest events from
Ukraine, expressing the country's point of view.
The channel is mainly oriented at ethnic Ukrainians, citizens of the
Ukraine working abroad, former Ukrainian and CIS citizens and anyone
wishing to find out more about the modern, independent Ukraine.
Today Inter+'s broadcast digital signal is being transmitted through five
satellites, covering European countries, European part of Russian
Federation, Northern Africa, northern part of Middle East (satellite
"Sirius II'), the territory of Russian Federation and Central Asia (satellite
"LMI1"), Northern and Southern America (satellite "Atlantic Bird 1"),
Australia (Satellite "NSS6") and New Zealand (satellite "Optus B3").

The core atmosphere of this family-oriented channel is enlightened
patriotism in contrast to belligerent nationalism. Six news editions a day
provide immediate update on current events.
The channel is devoted to education, paying special attention to high
quality educational programs like "Discovering Ukraine", "Live wealth of
Ukraine", performances of leading Ukrainian theatres, documentaries
and so on.
Ukrainian fans abroad are always excited to watch the country's football
and basketball teams performances. Since 2007 Inter+ has increased its
investment in sport events. As a result of its strong collaboration with
Megasport TV Channel, Inter+'s audiences enjoy exciting sport
programs, including the stories of famous sportsmen's achievements.
Music fans love Inter+ for plenty of good-quality live concerts of best
Ukrainian singers and groups. In 2007 the channel launched its own
Ukrainian music chart UA-top. Everyone has an opportunity to vote on
the channel's official website - Interplus.tv.
Inter+ is the only international channel in CIS that provides an electronic
guide (interactive tv-schedule) in three languages - Ukrainian, Russian
and English. As a leading satellite TV station, Inter+ plans to expand its
coverage zone and distribution in the World.