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Finally, you don't need to live in a large city in order to use fast
broadband internet. Today there is a way for people who live
in rural areas to receive a high-speed Internet connection as
well. Although broadband satellite Internet connections are
with us for several years, but now subscribers have better
access to it and more options for providers than ever before.
In other words, endless communication options and an
impressive range of broadband satellite internet services.
Broadband satellite internet is technically a type of broadband
Internet connection, even though it’s very different than either
DSL or cable. It is considered “broadband” because of the
amount of data it carries in the time it takes to carry it - so
basically lots of data in a relatively short period of time.
Like all Internet connections, broadband satellite starts with
the provider. The provider has a central office on land and a
satellite orbiting Earth’s atmosphere. When data is requested
or sent, it is transmitted through that office. However, before
it gets to your house or business, it must be sent to the
satellite, which acts as a middle-man between you and the
central office.
In order for you to send or receive data through the satellite,
you must first have a satellite dish on the outside of your home
or office building. It is through this device that all information is
transferred. Usually, if someone interested in broadband
Internet can get cable or DSL, they will. However, many homes
and sometimes businesses are still unable to receive either of
those services because they are outside of the nearest
providers’ coverage area.
For everyone in this category, satellite is the next best choice.
It normally doesn’t matter where you live, because your
satellite dish is designed to pick up the signal from the provider.
This makes it an ideal way to connect to the Internet for rural
How do this systems work?
Broadband satellite internet systems use a satellite connection
as a high-speed digital link between a customers location and
the US Internet backbone. The data travels from the satellite
equipment at the customers location to the satellite, and then
to the teleport for routing to the Internet. The teleport is a
secure facility where many large aperture satellite dishes are
operated. The operations center is located at the teleport and
the equipment is located in the Network Operations Center
At the NOC, routers are connected to the Internet using OC-3
optical connections to a Tier-I Internet backbone provider.
Proprietary acceleration and advanced spoofing technology is
employed to provide IP transparency and increase throughput
speed. Spoofing is what makes the service capable of very
high speeds.
Why is spoofing important? The entire Internet is based on
TCP/IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) manages and
controls transmissions using IP (Internet Protocol). TCP sends
data and looks for acknowledgments (receipts) sent back from
the receiving end to indicate that everything was received. If
the acknowledgments are not received, TCP resends the
packets and slows down its transmission speed for future
data. TCP expects these acknowledgments to be received
within a certain time frame. Because of the long round-trip
(90,000+ miles) that the packets must travel over the satellite
link and back, the acknowledgments are delayed by several
hundred milliseconds. If uncorrected, this delay would cause
TCP to throttle back its speed dramatically.
Spoofing is accomplished by special NOC equipment (Hybrid
Gateway) that causes TCP acknowledgments to be returned to
the sender very quickly. It does this by spoofing (pretending to
be the remote site) and acknowledging the packets instantly,
at the same time as it forwards the packets to the remote site.
TCP sees rapid acknowledgments and therefore ramps up its
speed quickly. The Hybrid Gateway also looks for the real
acknowledgments and discards them. If an acknowledgment
is missed, the Hybrid Gateway resends the packet from its
buffer. It is in this manner that multi-megabit speeds are made
possible over satellite.
Broadband Satellite Pros and Cons
As technology evolves, so will the satellite Internet connection.
While it is a great choice for many subscribers, it still has its
pitfalls. Some things to keep in mind about your high-speed
satellite connection:
Installation and monthly service fees will be more costly than
its broadband brothers DSL and cable
Heavy wind and rain can degrade the quality of your connection
Broadband satellite is not as fast as DSL or cable, but
significantly faster than dial-up.
Despite these inconveniences, there are things you can do to
help your satellite Internet connection along. For example, you
can purchase a signal amplifier to help make the connection
stronger and more resistant to outside disturbances. Also
available are signal locators, which help find the signal for the
times when getting a connection is difficult.