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If you’re planning on subscribing to a satellite TV provider, you need to
understand that most companies will offer you packages that include
important satellite TV equipment, such as the dish and receiver that are
compatible with your television set.
Although many people will receive installation of this essential satellite
TV equipment without charge or additional costs when they subscribe
to a satellite provider, keep in mind that these deals state that you
cannot cancel your satellite TV subscription any time you feel like it. At
the end of your required one-year contract, you can pretty much count
on the fact that you have already paid for this so-called “free" satellite
TV equipment.
If you’re not sure that the bundled packaged that a satellite TV provider
offers is a practical choice, then your next best option is to look for
cheaper satellite TV equipment and install it yourself or hire an
affordable installation service provider.
The good thing about buying your own satellite TV equipment is that you
can choose from a complete system that is compatible with your
television and subscription, or you can purchase mix and match
equipment and build your system yourself. However, choosing between
these two options will depend on your budget as well as your expertise
in installing hardware.

Regardless of which option you choose, the most important thing you
should remember is to ensure that all satellite TV equipment that you
buy should be compatible with each other, with your television and with
your satellite TV subscription provider. This means that if you have found
an affordable 5-year old model of a satellite dish that can still work well
with your receiver and television, then the only reason not to buy this
item would be the age of the equipment in question.
Be aware that the most difficult satellite TV equipment to buy at a
bargain price is the satellite dish. Although there are some dishes with
an affordable tag price, you should also consider that not all low-priced
dishes could work effectively. For this reason, it is best to find at leas six
to ten-foot dishes to ensure you will not experience disruptions from
your reception.
If you’re on a budget but you still wish to enjoy watching hundreds of
worldwide channels daily, then looking for affordable satellite TV
equipment should be your task. Since it can be hard for first-timers to
negotiate with sellers of satellite equipment, it is best for you to
understand how each piece of equipment works to prevent becoming
scammed by equipment distributors and satellite TV enthusiasts.
The satellite TV equipment you'll need to receive satellite TV programs
are a satellite TV dish (to capture the satellite TV signal), and satellite
TV receivers (to transmit that signal to your televisions).
In the past, satellite TV equipment cost $2,000 or more. Now, thanks to
the competition between satellite TV dealers, you can get a complete
satellite TV equipment package, including installation, for free.
A satellite TV dish captures the broadcast signal sent from a satellite
orbiting above the earth.
Satellite TV dishes are curved in order to concentrate the signal to a
point, where it is then picked up by the satellite TV dish feed horn. The
feed horn sends the signal to the satellite TV receiver where it's
unscrambled then sent to your TV.
In the past, satellite TV dishes cost $200 or more, plus $150 to $250 to
install them. Now, you can get an all-weather, multi-TV satellite dish and
all the other satellite TV equipment you need for free (click on the above
links for more information).
Satellite TV Receivers: A satellite TV receiver converts the broadcast
signal from a TV satellite into the picture and sound you see and hear
on your television.
You get a free four-room satellite TV receiver system (a $495 value)
when you subscribe to satellite TV programming through one of the
dealers listed below. This system will allow four different shows to be
seen on four different televisions at the same time.
In addition to regular satellite TV receivers, you can also get a free DVR
(digital video recorder) receiver which allows you to record your favorite
TV shows. DVRs also allow you to bypass annoying commercials and to
pause the show you're watching, so you can answer the phone or get
a snack, then resume watching it when you're ready.
You can also order a free HD (high definition) receiver that allows you to
view HDTV broadcasts.
DISH Network and DIRECTV offer a combination HD/DVR receiver so you
can view your shows in high definition format and digitally record up to
350 hours of programming. Click on the links below for more information
and pricing on these receivers.
A DISH Network or DIRECTV installer will set up the dish and hook up
the receivers free of charge after which he or she will show you how to
operate the system. You can get a satellite TV system installed within
one to five days from the time you place your order.