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It's great to watch TV at home, but it should no longer be your own
option! Today's technology enables you to watch TV on the move.
With people spending more and more time outside of their homes, cars,
boats and airplanes are not just a mode of transportation anymore.
These transportation means can become very enjoyable entertainment
centers. First, there were navigation systems using satellite guidance
for cars. Then there was the satellite radio. Now you can get satellite
TV with 140 channels in your SUV, minivan or large sedan. Technology
developments never rest.
Passangers can now enjoy TV on the road, while sailing or in the skies.
After all, how long can you play a game or watch the same movie on DVD.
Yet the mobile satellite TV can be pretty expensive, so take your time to
choose your options. Some will consider it luxury or status symbol, but
for many the value of this convenient and recreational technology is
irreplaceable. Obviously, it will change completely the value of your mobile
One of the biggest challenges with mobile satellite TV is tuning into a
satellite TV signal from a moving car. A traditional dish receiver has to be
pointed directly at the satellite to get a signal. It's hard enough to align
the dish on your home's roof, so imagine doing it in a moving vehicle.
Some RVs and trucks have fancy, motor-driven stabilized dishes, but this
isn't practical for a small vehicle (relatively speaking) like a minivan.
Mobile satellite TV systems can be installed in an RV, boat, or even in a
car or van, giving you the freedom to travel wherever you want and
watch satellite TV wherever you are. To receive satellite TV you need a
mobile satellite TV antenna. A mobile satellite TV antenna, also called a
dish, captures the signal being sent from a satellite in orbit above the
earth and sends it to a receiver. You can get a free satellite antenna
when you subscribe to a satellite TV service, or you can purchase a
specialized antenna that automatically tracks a satellite so you can
watch TV while on the move.

Mounts for a mobile TV antenna can be as simple as a tripod that you set
up outside, or as complex as a combination antenna/receiver that tracks
a satellite and converts the satellite signal for TV viewing. Prices for
satellite TV antennas and mounts vary from $30 for a simple tripod stand
to more than $7,000 for a marine satellite TV antenna/receiver with
automatic tracking.
In addition to a satellite TV dish you'll also need a receiver to decode the
satellite TV signal and send it to your TV. Both DISH Network and
DIRECTV will give you a free dish and up to four free receivers when you
subscribe to their service. They will even give you a free DVR (digital
video recorder) receiver or an HD (high definition) receiver. You can
purchase specialized receivers for vehicle and marine applications.
Modern technology has made it possible to take the luxuries of home
with you whether you're on the road or on the high seas. Now you can
have access to hundreds of satellite TV programs, satellite radio
channels, and even Internet and email. And most mobile satellite TV
systems relatively easy to install.
About 30% of the 5.6 million new SUVs and minivans sold each year
come equipped with TV monitors and DVD or video cassette players. But
as with most good things, there are also bad things. Traffic-safety
experts and manufacturers warn that monitors should be placed so
drivers can't see them. Televisions on the go can be distracting to the
driver, specially in the car. Even if the driver can't see the monitor, the
addition of another distraction worries safety advocates.
Mobile satellite TV is feeding a seemingly unquenchable thirst for
entertainment in cars, boats and many other transportation means.
Despite safety problems, fortunate owners continue to show them off
with smiles on their faces.