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In the US there are two main satellite TV services providers - DirecTV and
Dish Network. Along these major companies there are a few more
smaller suppliers like Voom and Star Choice.
Satellite TV providers make it possible for us to enjoy hundreds of
channels and programs piped straight to our TV set. TV entertainment
consumers are no longer dependent on cable TV companies, which is a
big relief for many of us. In fact if you're living in rural or isolated areas
satellite TV is your only option.
We all remember the old days when there was no customer service at
the cable companies. Although they have improved, still none of them
are a match for DISH and DIRECTV. Over the past few years Dish
Network and DIRECTV have pummeled the cable companies in price,
customer satisfaction and service.
Years ago you had to get a huge dish and pay a lot of money for the
satellite services. Now, you just have an 18 inch dish that sits on your
roof and it's barely noticeable. That small dish picks up a 100% digital
signal and sends it to your receiver. And the prices went down
It's very difficult to talk about the differences between DirecTV and Dish
Network. They both get over 250 crystal clear digital channels, they both
have high quality equipment and they both provide great customer
service. So, how do you dig down and really figure out which one is
right for you?
Even though both providers have over 250 channels, you can still find
differences in programming packages. You also need to consider your
own budget. If you're on a budget, you may be well suited with one of
the family plans. The family plan is designed to help families have
something to watch and be kid friendly at the same time, but there is a
price benefit there too. The DISH Family plan is $19.95 per month and
DIRECTV's family plan is $29.95.

For the sports enthusiast both providers have a great selection. Most
people favor DIRECTV in this area, mostly because of the NFL Sunday
Ticket, which Dishnetwork doesn't carry. In general Dish NEtwork is very
competitive in every other area in sports.
So as you can see you need to spend a little time learning about the
different packages offered. You can start by checking out channel
comparison guides. They will give you a birds eye view of all
programming options when you compare satellite TV providers. Just
spend a few minutes researching now and you will be happy with what
you get.
VOOM is the first and most complete provider of high definition
programming for the rapidly expanding home entertainment market.
VOOM offers more than 35 high definition channels to consumers across
the continental United States, including 21 brand-new, exclusive,
commercial-free HD channels delivering hundred of hours of movies,
sports, music and more.
Satellite TV deals across the US are easy to find, especially when you
have not had a satellite before. There are endless offers and deals
wherever you live. The challenge is to find the best deal for you and
your family. The easiest way to do this is to actually speak with a
customer service representative at the company after you have
researched a little online.
In order to keep their customers happy DIRECTV and Dish Network
conduct a fierce competition, both on service and content. They keep
their prices within a few dollars of each other when selecting a channel
lineup. This of course makes it pretty difficult for the new subscribers.
Yet the next big thing in US satellite TV is HDTV. If you still don't have an
HD TV set then you probably feel a bit uncomfortable each time you see
the Available in HD title before your favorite show starts. As many other
viewers around the country, you're not aware of the HDTV programming
options and you're probably asking yourself - what all the hype is about?
As time passes by moving to HDTV becomes cheaper and cheaper. Yes,
you'll need both an HD TV and a high definition source to watch and
program HDTV, but it's not that expensive and difficult. Today the major
broadcast networks like ABC, Fox, CBS, and NBC offer almost all of their
programs in high definition. Moreover, other networks such as HBO,
ESPN, and Discovery are also offer high-definition channels. It is true
though, cable and satellite providers don't carry all of the available
networks that broadcast HD. Some of the networks are still behind and
many HD channels don't show all of their content in HD; ESPNHD, for
example, still broadcasts numerous events and shows in standard-def.