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Satellite TV in the USA has been around for years. Years ago it used to
be available to users who were not able to get cable TV and who had
enough money for the expensive equipment and installation. At that
time the dishes required a lot of space so not everyone could afford the
system nor could they have the dish on their property if they lived in
certain populate areas.
But these days are over. Today the US satellite TV is not only the most
advanced in the world, but its prices are so affordable that the satellite
systems are everywhere for anyone. Satellite TV systems use a much
smaller dish that can be installed on a railing or roof of a house without
much fuss. Then, once the dish is installed you have to hook up the
receiver to the television. The receiver than transmits the signal from
the satellite to the television. That's it.
Moreover, US Satellite TV went a step further to the digital signal, before
cable television. The ability of the digital signal to reach the satellite is
easier because it does not have to travel along any cable line. It is
directly uploaded to the dish. All you need for a digital satellite picture is
a good TV set that will receive the digital signal.
But US satellite TV is not only about equipment and technical capabilities,
it's also about programming. The major satellite TV in the US offer their
clients hundreds of high quality programs, grouped in special and
affordable packages.
The major satellite TV suppliers in the US have many independent
retailers and dealers all over the country. Let's have a look at these
DIRECTV was the first entertainment service in the U.S. to deliver all
digital-quality, multi-channel TV programming to an 18-inch satellite dish.
The launch of DIRECTV service, with its national reach, provided people
across the continental U.S. with a much needed alternative to cable.
Today, DIRECTV is the nation's leading digital multi-channel television
service provider.
Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, EchoStar Communications
Corporation is a public company with approximately 20,000 employees.
The Company and its subsidiaries deliver Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS)
television products and services to customers worldwide.

DISH Network is a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) service that provides
satellite television, audio programming, and interactive television
services to households and businesses in the United States, owned by
parent company DISH Network Corporation. DISH Network was
launched in March 1996, and, along with DirecTV, primarily competes
with cable television providers throughout the United States. They are
registered as a Nevada corporation. The corporate office is based at
Meridian, Colorado, though the postal designation of nearby Englewood
is commonly listed as the company's location in corporate filings and
news accounts.
GlobeCast is the world’s leading provider of domestic and global
transmission services for video, audio, business television, IP multicasting
and internet backbone service, as well as full digital and HDTV production,
post production, language conversion and network origination services,
and worldwide mobile production and satellite newsgathering.
VOOM is the first and most complete provider of high definition
programming for the rapidly expanding home entertainment market.
VOOM offers more than 35 high definition channels to consumers across
the continental United States, including 21 brand-new, exclusive,
commercial-free HD channels delivering hundred of hours of movies,
sports, music and more.
Satellite TV deals across the US are easy to find, especially when you
have not had a satellite before. There are endless offers and deals
wherever you live. The challenge is to find the best deal for you and
your family. The easiest way to do this is to actually speak with a
customer service representative at the company after you have
researched a little online.
In order to keep their customers happy DIRECTV and Dish Network
conduct a fierce competition, both on service and content. They keep
their prices within a few dollars of each other when selecting a channel
lineup. This of course makes it pretty difficult for the new subscribers.
Yet the next big thing in US satellite TV is HDTV. If you still don't have an
HD TV set then you probably feel a bit uncomfortable each time you see
the Available in HD title before your favorite show starts. As many other
viewers around the country, you're not aware of the HDTV programming
options and you're probably asking yourself - what all the hype is about?
As time passes by moving to HDTV becomes cheaper and cheaper. Yes,
you'll need both an HD TV and a high definition source to watch and
program HDTV, but it's not that expensive and difficult. Today the major
broadcast networks like ABC, Fox, CBS, and NBC offer almost all of their
programs in high definition. Moreover, other networks such as HBO,
ESPN, and Discovery are also offer high-definition channels. It is true
though, cable and satellite providers don't carry all of the available
networks that broadcast HD. Some of the networks are still behind and
many HD channels don't show all of their content in HD; ESPNHD, for
example, still broadcasts numerous events and shows in standard-def.
Satellite TV in the US is here to stay for many long years. The fast
development of technology will lead to better services, improved
equipment and an even more exciting TV experience.