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Well, you have a GPS in your car, one on your PDA and one on your
cell phone. If you have a boat, you probably have one already
installed. So that's it, right? No! You've got to get a GPS watch either.
Why do you need a GPS watch for? Firstly because it's trendy. But if
we put that apart, GPS watches utilize a network of global
positioning satellites to precisely track how far and how fast you are
running, biking, rowing or skiing, anytime and anywhere in the world.
It will measure your real-time speed, average speed and maximum
speed. It will calculate your pace, average pace and best pace, track
your workout distance, and also function as a continuous odometer.
Like a car’s navigation system, it communicates with the satellites in
orbit around the earth to determine your exact coordinates each
second while you move. It then sends this information to the watch
to calculate your velocity and distance travelled between each set
of coordinates.
Doing so many wonderful things, fitness GPS is a great device for
workouts. If you are a runner, cyclist, rower, skier or walker, you can
get the most critical information about your practice. For example,
your average speed, your maximum speed, your average pace, the
total distance, the total time, etc. This is essential information in
order to target improvements in your exercise program and monitor
how you’re performing. And best of all, you do not depend anymore
on static measurement tools. You can run, walk or cycle anywhere…
you’re not constrained by a specific circuit or measured course. The
GPS watch will perform the calculations no matter where you go.
Moreover, even if you travel to another continent, it doesn't matter.
This technology works anywhere in the world because the GPS
system is designed to receive information from up to 12 satellites
at any one time that are located on the same side of the earth as

GPS watch or fitness GPS is a great tool for adventure enthusiasts
as well. Some units include features like integrated chronograph,
compass, barometer, altimeter and thermometer functions. Fitting
GPS technology into a wrist-top device that is easy to use and
consumes little power takes creative engineering and ingenuity.
Models differ as to features, but in general a GPS watch is targeted
towards serious hikers, climbers, bicyclists, boaters, and adventurers.
The GPS watch uses satellite triangulation to determine the exact
position of the wearer. By checking your position periodically, the
GPS watch calculates distance traveled and rate of speed, including
rate of ascent when applicable. Marking waypoints, or distances to
existing waypoints, are part of the feature set. A good GPS watch
will ensure you stay on the trail even when nature has obscured
landmarks, or intersecting paths make it difficult to follow. A GPS
watch with a built-in compass can be a true life saver to anyone
who travels off the beaten path.
One feature to watch for when considering a GPS watch is PC
integration. By using proprietary software, an integrated GPS watch
can download or upload maps. A PC-enabled GPS watch can also be
a great training tool. Just upload consecutive logs from your GPS
watch to your PC and the software will analyze and compare your
performance. Based on the results, you can plan your next excursion,
map it out, and upload it to your GPS watch for your next trip.
So how do you choose your new GPS watch? Here are a few steps
to consider. Start by deciding first what exactly you need in a watch.
There are many watches out there with differing bells and whistles,
so take the time to decide what you need your watch to be equipped
with before you shop around. The best GPS watches will have a clear
display and built in map. Once you've decided what you need, look
for comparisons. Check online sites that allow you to compare
different brands. Compare each GPS watch that you like to many
others before you buy one. After you found what you want, check for
availability. Some large chain stores will carry most brands of GPS
watches. Call ahead, or check online, to make sure the GPS watch
you want to buy is available. Then, look for sales online and in your
local electronic stores. A GPS watch is a wonderful gift to buy for any
gadget guy or girl, and around the holidays these items may be
marked down. Finally, talk to the sales representatives. Even if you
buy a GPS watch online, make sure you have someone you can ask
questions before you purchase anything. The sales reps are normally
very knowledgeable and they can be helpful if you are on the fence.
They can answer questions regarding the most popular, and the
highest quality watches.