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Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system. It is a free software
and open source development tool, so that typically all underlying
source code can be freely modified, used, and redistributed by
anyone. It was designed to provide personal computer users a free
or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and
usually more expensive Unix systems. Linux has a reputation as a
very efficient and fast-performing system. Following is a list of
Applications for Linux GPS Navigation. Almost all these applications
are free software for navigation with laptops, notebooks, handhelds,
PDAs and mobile phones. They are useful for bikers, car drivers, ship
and air plane navigators and others.
Ports and Applications for GPS Devices
NavIt is a car navigation system with routing engine. It's modular
design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing
and rendering of the displayed map. It's even possible to use multiple
maps at a time. The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work
well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various formats
are displayed on the map. The current vehicle position is either read
from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors. The routing engine not
only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also
generates directions and even speaks to you using speechd.
OpenGTS is a full-featured GPS tracking system that includes the
OpenDMTP server, yet also can support other remote tracking device
types. It also provides a Web interface that provides GPS tracking
and location reporting.
GPS Tracker allows someone to track a GPS enabled cell phone using
Google Maps. The project was tested with a Motorola i355 cell phone
on the Sprint/Nextel network. You need to have a data plan with the
cell phone provider so that you can make updates to your Web site
from the cell phone. There are two projects available. The first project
is built with PHP and MySQL. The second project is built with .NET and
Microsoft SQL Server. Both projects use Java (J2ME) on the cell phone.
O2PosTrack is a console-based C++ application for retrieving position
information from a mobile phone as provided by the (German) O2
mobile phone company. It runs on Linux and Mac OS X, has
configurable output streams (CSV file, GNU-Plot data files, etc.) and
should work with all GSM-compatible mobile phones connected via
serial link (e.g. IR or USB-to-serial converter).
Trip Tracker is a position tracking client-server system. It's designed
to assist people in setting up a real-time tracking environment with
either a private or public tracking server. The Trip Tracker GPS client
sends coordinates to the tracking server to update its position. In
the event that the GPS client loses its Internet connection, it can
send all collected coordinates to the tracking server as soon as it's
back online. The tracking server saves all the coordinates and can
forward them to listening map clients.
GPS Suitable for PDAs
EPS - The Elgaard Positioning System , for Java VMs and browsers
uses JavaVM 1.1, PersonalJava or Insignia Jeode from Sharp Zaurus.
GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive
displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver
on a zoomable map, the map file is autoselected depending of the
position and prefered scale. Speech output is supported if the
"festival" software is running. The maps are autoselected for best
resolution depending of your position. All Garmin GPS reveiver with
a serial output should be usable, also other GPS receiver which
supports NMEA protocol. GpsDrive is written in C with use of the
GTK+ graphic toolkit. This programm is tested on the Samsung YOPY
Linux PDA and should work on other ARM based Linux PDAs.
Roadnav is an in-car navigation system capable of running on a
variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS
X. It can obtain a car's present location from a GPS unit, plot street
maps of the area, and provide verbal turn by turn directions to any
location in the USA. It uses the free TIGER/Line files from the US
Census Bureau to build the maps, along with the GNIS state and
topical gazetteer data from the USGS to identify locations.
zGPS is a program for displaying GPS information from an attached
GPS unit on the Zaurus, or iPaq handheld. The software is till in
early beta, but can display the satellites in view, along with signal
strength, and the map of their position. Future plans are to have
features such as tracklog saving, logging of the raw NMEA data,
and waypoints.
Happy Camel is intended to combine your digital camera with your
GPS device. You feed it a list of digital photos and a tracklog, and it
figures out where these images were taken, embeds this position in
the EXIF-data, and creates a Google Earth file with the photos at the
right positions along the tracklog.
RoadMap is a program for Linux that displays street maps. The maps
are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only cover the US.
Specific areas are displayed by selecting a street address (street
number, street name, city, and state). RoadMap has been designed
to be usable on both a desktop or laptop computer, or on a PDA.
zRoadMap is a port of RoadMap for the Zaurus. It uses the 2002 US
Census Bureau TIGER/line maps in a compressed format that you can
build yourself or download from the homepage (Average 30Megs per
state - or smaller if you just want some counties). Supports many
GPS input devices, address locator, address book, waypoints, street
information, direction up, zoom, festival speech output. Navigation
is currently being worked on and any help is appreciated in making
this better.
pygps is a Python GPS user interface (especially for Linux PDAs like
the iPAQ or the Zaurus) . It shows a listing of satellites, their
locations in the sky, a list of latitude, longitude, altitude, status, etc.,
and moving maps.
Mapview is a viewer for Terraserver tiles. It downloads them on-
demand and interactively, and lets you overlay a GPS track and
edit it.
qpeGPS is a program for displaying a moving map centered at the
position read from a GPS device. It's designed to run on a PDA with
Qt/embedded (qtopia).
Cumulus is a program for Qtopia and OPIE, aimed at the soaring
community. It provides a moving map display with all the information
you need to easily navigate while requiering a minimum of user-
interaction. It uses a NMEA compatible serial GPS to provide it with
information on the current position, altitude, heading and speed. Of
course, Cumulus supports waypoints and can calculate the distance
and heading of your waypoint. Cumulus is a fork of the KFLog project,
a program aimed at flight planning and flight analysis for gliders.
GPSExplorer is a program for communicating with Garmin GPS units,
and is easily extended with plugins.
TGPSD is an alternative gpsd implementation. It talks directly to a
NMEA GPS reviever, and supplies local and remote tcp clients with
position/time data. It aims to be compatible with all software that
currently uses gpsd on the back end. Also, it adds a few extra
commands for retrieving satellite information.
Position is a GNUstep GPS navigator. It requires a GPS receiver that
knows the NMEA protocol.
GPSMan (GPS Manager) is a graphical manager of GPS data that
makes possible the preparation, inspection, and edition of GPS data
in a friendly environment. It supports communication with both
Garmin, Lowrance, and Magellan receivers, and real-time support
for any receiver using NMEA-0183. It can also be used in command-
line mode.
GPSFET (GPS Firmware Editing Tools) facilitates editing of Magellan
GPS firmware. It allows you to, for example, replace the English
words in the firmware with words in another, unsupported language,
or add your personal information to the startup screen of the device.
Other tools under development will allow modification of the graphical
display of GPS data and the ability to upload (or import from SDCARD)
vector and pixel maps obtained from free sources.
GPS3d is a set of utilities that lets you manipulate your GPS from your
Linux box. One nice feature is the ability to view GPS data (track,
waypoints, fix, etc.) on an OpenGL, 3D texture-mapped model of
Earth. It also includes a generic serial port broadcaster daemon than
can be used to multiplex access to any serial device (clock, gps, etc.)
over the Internet. Finally, it can dynamically download maps from
mapblast and map them onto the 3D model of the Earth. GPS3d is
ported to Mac OS X and Linux.
gpsd is a daemon that listens to a GPS or Loran receiver and
translates the positional data into a simplified format that can be
more easily used by other programs, like chart plotters. The package
comes with a sample client that plots the location of the currently
visible GPS satellites (if available) and a speedometer. It can also
use DGPS/ip.
CycleAtlas is a cycling diary based on a custom road atlas. It can be
used to store or to plan new rides. Functions includes generation of
planimetry, profiles, and route time tables of rides. A map editor is
included, in order to create a custom road map.
GPSUTIL is a program to upload and download waypoints from a
Magellan GPS unit. It also supports getting the current position,
heading, and speed from any NMEA 2.1-compliant GPS.
Xastir is an APRS client program that uses amateur radio and internet
services to convey GPS mapping, weather, and positional data in a
graphical application. It has been developed by and for amateur radio
enthusiasts to provide real-time data in an easy to use package.
The GPSTk provides both fundamental and advanced GPS processing
algorithms. A wide array of functions are provided by the library,
notably RINEX I/O, ephemeris calculation, atmospheric refraction
models, and positioning algorithms. GPSTk applications provide more
concrete benefits to the user, including cycle slip detection and
removal, calculation of the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the
ionosphere, and RINEX file manipulation.
Google Cartography uses the Google Search API to build a visual
representation of the interconnectivity of streets in an area. This
application takes a starting street and finds streets which intersect
with it. Traversing the streets in a breadth-first manner, further
intersections are discovered. Eventually a connected graph is
produced showing the interconnectivity of streets flowing from the
starting street.