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It was pretty obvious that a day will come and cell phones will not be
used only for making and receiving phone calls. Adding GPS
applications to cell phones was in fact a very natural process. Today,
your cell phones not only enables phone calls, it also shows your
precise location.
The tragic 9/11 events were one of the triggering factors of the
increased demand for enhanced emergency calling capabilities. The
US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) initiated the
Enhanced 911 or simply E911. This law, effective from 2005
mandates that the location of a cell phone that was used to
contact 911 should be determined or tracked within 50 to 100
meters. In addition, this law required all cell phone manufacturers
to integrate global positioning system (GPS) receivers in all cell
phone models.
GPS determines the physical location of a person who has a cell
phone or a GPS receiver through the satellites that orbit the Earth.
This system, formerly called the Navigation Satellite Training and
Ranging (NAVSTAR), works through three essential components
which are the satellites, earth monitoring stations and GPS receivers.
GPS is dependent on the signals obtained from 24 satellites that
orbit the Earth in varying altitudes from 6,000 to 12,000 miles.
GPS cell phone units are starting to become the units of choice for
many consumers. Gone are the days when GPS features are
considered as novelties that are devoid of significance for everyday
use. For mobile phone manufacturers who intend to serve the
American market, GPS capability is already a must as the FCC already
requires carriers to be able to locate the origin of mobile phone calls
within a range of 50 to 100 meters.

The possibility to detect the exact position of a person based on his
or hers cell phone, generated a pretty disturbing privacy problem. For
those who are conscious about their privacy, having a GPS mobile
phone can invite worry or even paranoia. Many consumers fear that
their movements and whereabouts could easily be traced and
recorded against their will. Since these phones transmit signals even
when they are in standby mode, detecting their location became a
very easy task. To determine the precise location of a cell phone,
data from three nearest cell phone towers are obtained. The relative
strength of these signals are compared and placed into a complex
algorithm that would pinpoint a location within 100 meters. Much of
the arguments against this system are based on the premise that
it is intrusive and is a violation to people’s right to privacy.
On the other hand, if legally used, it is definitely a very useful
application, specially in especially in emergency situations. When
you are in trouble it's very encouraging to know that even if you
can't tell your exact location, the emergency services can still know
where you are. Moreover, cell phones with GPS let their owners view
and listen to turn-by-turn driving directions through their handsets.
Some of the most popular releases recently have been the Nextel
phone with GPS option, Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3,
and Thera Pocket Pc Phone Pocket GPS. However, this is just 3
suggestions and there are plenty more types of GPS cell phone
available. Searching online is a great place to buy and can give you
an idea of what’s available and how much you can expect to pay.
Apart from emergency situations, GPS cell phones are highly useful
when traveling. If you are planning to travel abroad, you may want
to consider getting an international gps cell phone for your trip. This
is especially true if you are planning to do any driving while in a
foreign country. Gps technology is available all over the world and an
international gps cell phone can help you navigate your way around
a place you are not familiar with. Most ordinary cell phones will work
overseas and all you will need to do is make sure that it is gps
compatible and then go from there.
A general cell phone with gps technology can be adapted to an
international gps cell phone with software that will load maps of the
places you will be going. Then once you have the maps loaded, you
will find that the gps satellites will be able to help you immensely.
All you need to do is enter your destination into the phone. The cell
phone acts as a gps receiver and will send a signal up into space so
the satellites can pinpoint your exact location. A second signal will
be sent back to the cell phone where you will get step by step
directions that will get you to where you need to go.
One thing that you need to keep in mind when using your cell phone
as an international gps cell phone is that many cell phone companies
will charge you for their services, and when you are overseas, this
can get quite expensive. Therefore, you need to do your research
ahead of time and know what it will cost you to make your cell phone
into a gps device. Knowing what to expect before your trip will help
keep unwelcome surprises from showing up on your bill once you get
back from your trip.
If your cell phone is not gps enabled, you can check with your cell
phone company and see if they have loaner phones that are gps
capable. Many companies will allow you to “rent” a gps enabled
phone that will turn into an international gps cell phone. These
phones are specifically designed to provide gps services while
abroad and could be a lower cost alternative when you are planning
on traveling abroad.
Having an international gps cell phone when you are in an unfamiliar
country could really be a lifesaver as you traverse the countries you
are visiting. Being able to know where you are at all times is great
for peace of mind and the last thing that you need while on vacation
is the worry of getting lost!
The use of global positioning system technology in cell phones is fast
gaining ground. In fact, almost all mobile phones that are being
produced this year feature an embedded GPS receiver. The GPS
equipment inside most mobile phones are not as sophisticated as
those used by drivers or hikers though. Manufacturers intentionally
used low-level GPS devices inside their phones in order to keep unit
costs down.
GPS Cell phones are currently being marketed by a number of
companies, mainly Sprint, Motorola, and Verizon. These phones give
driving directions in any town, and assist travelers in finding their
way strange towns with just one device.