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Driving from one place to another, from one city to another or even
from a state to another is no longer an impossible, frustrating
mission. Today it can be done easily, thanks to the user friendly and
effective GPS navigation. Over the last years car GPS systems
became a very accessible and affordable option, opening a whole
new world of easier traveling and enhanced safety.
The in-car GPS navigation device is a small unit which you can easily
place on your dashboard or stick on to your windscreen. The benefit
of having an in-car GPS device is pretty clear - tell it where you need
to go and it will take you there. Your car GPS will give you real time
turn-by-turn directions needed to reach the destination you want.
Whenever you are in an unfamiliar environment or you find yourself
traveling a dark, intimidating road, your car GPS can turn into a life
saving device.
This is enormously useful for any travelers who drive in an unknown
area, which usually means almost all of us. Whether your own car or
a rented car, GPS navigation devices are a necessity. Another huge
benefit of having an in-car GPS installed is that if your car gets stolen,
the authorities can pinpoint the exact whereabouts of it with ease.
Some insurance companies will even offer you a discount if your car
is fitted with an in-car GPS.
Most car GPS systems available on the market come equipped with
monitoring services, which means that your car can be detected very
easily in case of an emergency. You can even program it to call the
nearest emergency service provider when an accident occurs. The
good thing is that as these services utilize satellites the signal will
never suffer any interruption irrespective of where you are located.
An in-car GPS unit can be invaluable as it is available 24/7. Should
you ever get caught up in an emergency situation you will be more
than happy that you have invested in an in-car GPS.

With so many selections out there, selecting a GPS unit for your car
can be a daunting task. Each unit has a specific set of features and
the costs vary accordingly. The final selection is really a personal
decision and the amazing thing is that the decision is not always
logical, but emotional.
So if you're looking for a solution to those travels into unfamiliar cities
and country roads, a car GPS is great. After all, fumbling for a map
isn't fun, is it? It can ruin an otherwise enjoyable experience. With
a car GPS guiding you turn by turn with voice prompts and visual
maps, the days of making wrong turns, getting lost and wasting
time (and gas!) will finally come to an end. With car GPS navigation,
you and your family can enjoy traveling. Or, make a business trip
less stressful. Yes, it really does make a difference.
But a GPS receiver isn't just for vacations or business trips, it's useful
around town as well. You can enter the addresses of your favorite
hometown destinations, i.e, restaurants, businesses, shops... and
the list goes on. Fortunately, most car GPS units already have
detailed road maps preloaded on the unit, so you don't have to
worry about it (check the unit's specifications). Compare features,
including the size of the GPS screen, whether you need bluetooth
or traffic notification features, and what the unit looks like.
Should you buy a handheld car GPS or a installed one? When
choosing between the two, keep in mind your primary use. Do you
prefer a device that will remain in your vehicle at all times, or do you
think you might use it for hiking, biking, or boating? If you just need
to drive from one point to another, then the in-vehicle GPS
navigation systems is definitely what you're looking for. They can be
mounted to the windshield or dashboard of your car.
But what about the safety element? What happens if you're
becoming distracted at the wheel? Well, that's a real problem you
should be aware of. In-car GPS is a potential distraction, and
"distracted driving" as the safety experts call it, is a common cause
of accidents. So in order to avoid distraction, use your in-car GPS
wisely and follow some basic rules: Don't worry, you are rarely lost
with a GPS in use, and even if you miss a turn. The GPS will
recalculate the route automatically and get you where you need to
go with minimal stress and distraction. You don't need to "make sure
the GPS is right by looking at street names. Also, since you have
your GPS, don't mess with maps while driving. You don't need them.
GPS improves night driving safety. One of the best features of in-car
GPS is the fact that it gives you better road awareness at night and
in low-visibility conditions. At night, and especially during bad-
weather night driving, a GPS will tell you about, and show you an
upcoming turn, ramp..., long before you can see it. On dark back
roads, the GPS map will give you a preview of what's ahead.
Be extra-careful to avoid being distracted by the GPS if you are a
beginner. That cool new touchscreen, all of those menu options –
don't let them take your eyes and attention away from the road.
Also, don't program the GPS while moving, enter your destination
before you depart. If you need to cancel or change a destination,
pull over in a safe area and stop, or wait until you are stopped at a
traffic light, and re-program.
But apart from the navigation uses, a good and well featured car
GPS device offers more benefits. For example, you never know when
you will become a victim of a crime, such as car theft. When criminals
are aware that a GPS tracking system is installed on a vehicle, it
makes drivers less susceptible to this illegal act, which sometimes
involves violence. If you have found that your car has been stolen,
a GPS tracking system can aid the police in locating your car in less
time by pinpointing the exact position of your automobile - no matter
where it is.
A car GPS systems also places more money in your pocket, as some
companies are now lowering the rates of car insurance for drivers
possessing this added advantage. Companies are now
acknowledging those who purchase a car with this type of system
already installed, as well as offer savings to those who have GPS
car tracking installed after the purchase of a new or used vehicle.
In the long run, you stand to save money when buying a GPS car
system even without the car insurance discounts. Consumers spend
less money on gas when they are aware of their exact positioning
on the road, and have the means to quickly get where they want to
go in less time and without wasting gas.